
Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Leba Teyizo Dula Ayiteyekim (If you catch a thief, beat him up.)

We Ethiopians may not see eye to eye on many things. But one of things we may agree about is the treatment of thieves. If you catch a thief, just beat him up. Beat him up more. And even more. And much more. He has to have his lessons – so that he wouldn’t come around again. Only few would mind if a thief is killed ('murdered' would be the right word) while being beaten – after all he’s a thief.

I witnessed one of these thief beating ceremonies today. I heard some commotion going on the lane and I peered through my window. Some guys were chasing down a man. They caught him and immediately started beating him up. He allegedly stole two mobile phones from a computer store posing as a customer; it seemed that he was caught red handed. Others joined in the beating spree (just beat him up!). Nobody questioned if the beating was right. Then the building security personnel came out, took him inside. People were still beating him.

I went out and requested the people surrounding the thief not to beat him. I told them to call a cop. Nobody would listen to me. They almost started shouting at me; some of them even said I was an accomplice to the guy. One of them proposed the 'thief' should have his hands cut (we’re not in Saudi, dude!). I told them that they should call the police for an investigation and then it’s the court’s job to hand down a punishment. They said the 'thief' was caught red handed and no need to prove his guilt in a court. Finally the crowd dispersed leaving the ‘thief’ in the custody of the security personnel.

I felt like asking everybody present if they have never stolen anything in their life. I’m sure most of them have. Stationary from their office, misusing the phones in their office, avoiding taxes, over invoicing, etc. The list can go on.

I would say that what I saw there shows how ignorant we are in matters of individual rights and the savage in us comes up with the slightest of excuse. I abhorred the self righteous (holier-than-thou) attitude displayed in the crowd (who by the way may have stolen many things from their bosses, business partners, the state, etc).

I hope one day the age old adage will be changed to ‘leba teyizo polis yiteral’. ( If you catch a thief, call the police).

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

The other side of Addis

I heard a friend saying that a European colleague of his remarked Addis is a very safe city; her roads are better than most of the cities in East Africa. And that Sheraton Addis is one of the most luxurious hotels in the whole of Africa. And that people are friendly and polite.

Well, this European’s image of Addis was quite different before he came here on business trips a couple of times. He thought of knife wielding muggers and hungry pedestrians, roads with potholes every few meters, expensive hotels with rats jumping around in the hotel room.

For us the natives, it’s true that we see a lot of problems in Addis: housing, unemployment, abject poverty, molestation, the semi finished roads, etc. More over, with the rising inflation, it’s hard to dwell on the good things this city can offer.

I’ve often heard people say the millennium celebrations will give Addis (for that matter the whole country) an opportunity to get rid of the famine/ poverty and related images that have been associated with the country for many decades now. I may have my misgivings to the hype surrounding the new millennium; however, I believe that Addis has a better side to offer to the visitors, which we, the residents, have been enjoying this every day.

Resting in the knowledge that one’s parked car is safe because a parking attendant (teenage/ young girls or boys in most cases) is around astonishes me. One would normally imagine that a serious crook could blackmail these unarmed, wretched attendants and do whatever he/she wants. But that’s not normally the case here. Isn’t it amazing!

Friday, 4 May 2007

I was unable to blog for the last few days, as the blogging site was blocked. Now it has been unblocked and I am able to access it.